ApHogee Vitamin Supplement for Healthy Hair

ApHogee Vitamin Supplement for Healthy Hair
alaAverage 3.2

6 tester

Jun 2024

alaTest har samlet og analysert 6 anmeldelser fra magasiner og websider.

Gjennomsnittlig så rangerte brukerne dette produktet 63/100.


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Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)



I'm an African American woman and I've been taking the vitamin for almost 2 months I've seen a major different in my hair length*GOOD*. It grew soooo much,My hair doesn't shed anymore, and it's really thick. I love it and I'm going to stick with it!!!

Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)

My Hairstylist compliments me on my hair regularly now!!!


I had damaged hair. I started taking the ApHogee supplements 3 months ago. Everytime she touches my hair she compliments me on how much THICKER my hair feels and that it does not shed as much as it use to. I take these supplements faithfully before...

Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)

stopped but started again!!!


I was introduced to Aphogee hair vitamins in November of 2012. I was amazed after two months how my hair became smooth feeling and grew longer. I had minimum breakage and I was excited. When I went back to order more, the store was out of them. So I...

Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)

Hair vitamin


Does anyone know where to get this vitamin ?

Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)



i have been using this product for about 2 weeks i havent seen the results yet maybe i could take two a day or am i doing it wrong can someone please help me

Brukeranmeldelse (totalbeauty.com)

Where can you buy them? An answer to Connie who posted on 1/26/2014!


I have not tried these, but based on the ratings listed here, if they are not very expensive, I would be very willing to try them!!! Now to answer Connie's question, "Where can you to buy them"? If you go to their website, "ApHogee.com", it says they...

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